The 3 Biggest Fears New Coaches Have About Niching, and How to Overcome them.

There are a ton of coaches who struggle to get the attention of their prospects, and it’s because they’re marketing as a generalists instead of as an expert with a speciality. 

When I bring up niching, they pull back, clam up, and list out why they are afraid to a niche their business.

Maybe you’re in a similar spot, if so, pay attention. I could go on and on and on about how great niching is, but there’s no point in talking about it until we overcome the fears of niching first.

Today I’m going talk with you about the 3 biggest fears new coaches have about niching and what you can do to overcome them so you can quickly start generating 2-10X more leads ….. It’ll be worth it, so keep reading on”

Here’s why we struggle—3 reasons why health coaches don’t niche

#1 Choosing a niche means you have to turn away clients

This is absolutely not True. Just because you are marketing to a specific type of person doesn’t mean that you will have to turn away anyone you feel connected to, that you believe that you can help. For instance I market to health coaches who have been in business awhile but I also have had clients that are massage therapists, yoga teachers and a dog trainer too.

So you see that you maybe able to help a wide variety of people but you need to keep your marketing nice and tight on one particular type of person. Don’t get hung up on finding the perfect niche, take your time and do what I call “date” a few different niches to find the one that you love.

#2 Choosing a niche means that I will loose opportunity and variety.  

When I stated out in my first business as a massage therapist I resisted choosing a specific niche for the longest time. I just knew that massage was good for every body.

 It wasn’t until after I choose to work with people with a very specific problem (injury recovery) that my practice took off. My clients knew that I could help them because my marketing spoke to their specific problems. And you know what I had so much fun going much going deeper in my work with them. They got better results. I got to learn so much about these specific problems, I became an expert in my field.


The  reason coaches don’t niche is because they don’t know which niche to pick. They ask themselves, “How will I know how to choose the right one? I don’t want to commit myself and change my entire business model.”

I totally understand. Here’s the thing: you don’t have to get married to your niche forever. Finding the perfect fit can take time. I want you to pick one niche, date it for a while, and see how you like it.

I also want to let you know there’s no need to change your entire business model, when trying out a new niche. When first testing your new target market for fit, only niche your marketing. After a month or two, you’ll either say, “Wow, that was awesome. I’m going to stick with these guys and niche my whole business,” or you’ll say, “That was good, but I’m going to pick somebody else next.”

Why this matters—

1. Internet is noisy and to cut through the noise you must stand out and you do this by speaking to your ideal clients specific urgent problem they want to solve. You need to know that you are climbing the right mountain.

2. It is one of the foundational pieces of building a highly successful business. So why not set yourself up for success by serving the right audience and solving the right problem in a way most importantly that fits your life style your personal and financial goals. Getting this nailed down will save you a ton of time and money and give you and unfair advantage in your market place.

Steps to take—

 If you’re a little nervous about niching, I want you to face your niche fears. I want you to identify what’s holding you back from niching in the past.

What are your beliefs around that?

Are they true?

What have you missed out on?

So now are you ready to give niching a shot? 

P.S. Whenever you’re ready... here are 2 ways I can help you grow your coaching business

1. Grab a free copy of my new blueprint.

It’s the roadmap to filling your coaching programs, and scaling your coaching business. —Click Here

2. Join Pilot Program and be a Case Study

I’m putting together a new coaching case study group this month.. If you’d like to work with me on your client-getting and scale plans...  —Click Here

 All the best

Jan "At your service" Messersmith

Hi I’m Jan Messersmith

I help new life, mindset & health coaches get their first coaching clients and  launch a high-ticket coaching program.

My superpower is helping you to design, create, launch and ENROLL ideal clients into your high impact coaching programs. 

I work with you to build the business foundations that allow you to scale your business  through a unique combination of inner game mastery, business coaching and accountability.

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